Terms of Reference

Edith Lando Centre for Virtual Learning: Advisory Committee

What is the Edith Lando Centre for Virtual Learning?

The Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre is a virtual, UBC supported community that was established to address the need for further research and knowledge mobilization of best practices for effective online/remote teaching and learning. The centre aims to provide personalized and professional learning support by way of a Digital Pedagogy Lab, mentorship, and professional consultations with UBC faculty, staff, graduate students, teacher candidates, and “ask the expert” sessions for parents and students.

Mission Statement

To increase community focused, virtual, online, capacity building expertise of faculty, teacher candidates, and graduate students to serve, and support instructors and community groups in the areas of early childhood education, Indigenous education, rural education, and refugee and immigrant education.


  • Re-configuring virtual and online education to meet the professional development needs of educators;
  • Responsible, just-in-time and place-centred, remote professional development for educators in rural communities;
  • Supporting ECE educators to focus on the socio-emotional wellness of children and families;
  • Responding to needs of remote and Indigenous communities, by providing applicable and accessible resources, know-how and learning;
  • Providing resources and understanding to learners, teachers and community members anywhere in British Columbia;
  • Respecting intergenerational knowledge and supporting Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being;
  • Creating online networks of support, including second language learning for immigrant and refugee students and parents.


  • Respond to the accessibility of excellent online teaching and learning with the most current tools and programming to create immediate solutions for faculty, students, and staff at the Faculty of Education;
  • Support learners with special needs, increase the skills and capacity to teach and learn online, increase access to research partners across regions, and connect with international peers;
  • Create innovative online spaces whereby learning technologies are driving social good by augmenting existing online and offline connected learning communities, including Indigenous, rural, early childhood, and refugee and immigrant groups.

Methods and Frequency of Meetings

At least once a quarter, online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Roles and Responsibilities

Attend quarterly meetings; consult with the director of the ELVLC and staff members on major decision making; contribute subject matter expert knowledge to help steer the centre; make connections to relevant communities and organizations; advice on programming and centre directions; renew advisory group membership annually.

Advisory Group Membership

The advisory group is made up of the Chair (Director of the Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre), as well as Unit and Student Representatives. One representative (if possible, based on interest and/or needs of the centre) from each: ECPS, EDCP, EDST, KIN, and LLED. A graduate student representative from any unit, and a community member where subject matter expertise, interests, and needs of that community member align with the explicit goals of the Centre, will also at times make up the advisory group.



Centre Impacts

Assessing centre impacts will take into account ongoing evidence-based research with qualitative and quantitative approaches including:

  • Annual impacts review
  • Donor feedback
  • Impact interviews, surveys, ongoing feedback with parents/guardian/students and teachers on the value of the services of the virtual centre
  • Faculty, staff, students (UBC) feedback
  • Website traffic metrics and participation data
  • Initiatives/new initiatives
  • Donations