Principles of Engagement

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

A commitment to work in decolonizing and intersectional ways. Recognize the historical, structural, and systemic inequities that persist in and outside educational settings and actively work to reduce harms, working ethically to change those conditions.

Accessibility, Flexibility and Reciprocity.

Strive to ensure direct access to all services and materials, including data and tools. Allow the flexibility to recognize and adapt to the changing needs and interests of the Faculty of Education, rural, remote, Indigenous, early childhood, immigrant and refugee communities more specifically.

Commitment to Act/Action.

Recognize that responsibilities extend beyond those to human beings and encompass no less importantly, the environment, other species, and the future.

Planning and Implementation.

Through evidence-based planning, ensure that the design, organization, and implementation of services (related to virtual learning) of Faculty of Education researchers, educators, learners and communities.

Personalized and Professional Learning Support.

Acknowledge that individuals have unique experiences, circumstances, capabilities and needs. Strive to support their distinct goals and purposes, including those of faculty, students and support staff, and the communities in which the Edith Lando VLC will work.

Collaboration and Cooperation.

Support and encourage cooperative approaches, working together to advance the capabilities and effectiveness of the centre in supporting learners through technological means. Collaborate across the university, government institutions, and/or community organizations, where appropriate.

Human and Non-human Relations.

Recognize, respect and cultivate relationships that bind and support learning, as these involve socio-technical, material and non-human entities, and the recognition of the situatedness of learning and our dependence their material, technological, environmental and more than human agencies in co-constructing ethical and sustainable learning relations.

Innovation, Research and Professional Practices.

Be open to cultivating new and different ways of knowing, doing, and being. Seek out, study, and support both research and professional development of new ideas, strategies, research approaches, and practices that break new ground in the development and distribution of innovative socio-technical means to advance learners’ purposes.

Re-Configuring Learning Relations.

Digital technologies reconfigure spatio-temporal relations of communication and interaction. Whereas traditionally teacher- and school centred learning practices occur in a defined time and in specific places, online learning happens at any time of day (or night) and in any location, providing unprecedented accessibility for individual and community engagements in learning.

Accountability and Transparency.

Ensure accountability and transparency, through regular, rigorous, and evidence-based evaluation of the Edith Lando VLC’s progress and impacts. This includes documentation of activities, network analysis and reach, and communicative impact measurements.