This workshop is designed to give educators practical tools to support social and emotional learning strategies for young learners. It’s geared towards educators as they are the main source of self-regulation and co-regulation for young children in the classroom.
lnteroception is the sense that communicates what is happening inside our bodies, such as physical states like hunger, emotional states like fear, etc. In this workshop, educators will learn how to make connections between what their bodies are communicating with them and how they’re feeling when faced with challenging situations. In addition, they will learn how those challenges might be linked to their personal histories. Educator self-regulation models for children how to understand and cope with what their bodies are communicated to them, and teaches them how to co-regulate.
The workshop will include a teaching component and experientials to guide the participants in their discovery.
Ana Ayala
Ana Ayala has been an Early Childhood Educator for 26 years. During this time, she has worked in various childcare settings, including preschools and daycares. For the last 12 years she has worked for UBC Childcare Services at Tillicum Daycare, first as a supervisor and now as an Early Childhood Educator.
Aside from her ECE training, Ana has a play therapy certificate from the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute. Also has a 30 years’ experience supporting couples in their relationships through a Christian based organization. She is a grandmother of four young children.