Embark on an educational adventure with the Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre’s top 5 most-watched videos! Dive into the secrets of Netflix hacks, explore innovative tech for AAC users, get creative with Twine, and ponder reflections on early childhood and math education. Join us as we revisit these engaging resources:
5. Teaching & Learning Math through Place/Land
Explore a unique approach to math education, where four teachers share stories of mathematical inquiry grounded in the power of place and guided by cultural teachings. Join the conversation about connecting mathematics, community, and culture.
4. Engaging with Critical Reflection in Early Childhood
Delve into early years pedagogy, childhood, and quality education through pedagogical narration, drawing on current scholarship and the British Columbia Early Learning Framework.
3. Twine – Accessible Digital Storytelling and Game-Making
Step into the world of Twine, a free, open-source tool revolutionizing interactive non-linear digital stories and text-based games. No coding required, just limitless creative possibilities.
2. Redefining Technology for AAC Device Users
Join Joyce and Joe as they challenge conventional definitions of technology, exploring its role in supporting and empowering assistive and alternative communication (AAC) device users.
1. How to Use Netflix
Uncover the hidden gems of Netflix with insights from Arshiya Malik and freepik.com in our most watched video.