Comprehension of Written Grammar Test

Grammar - parts of speech

Edith Lando Virtual Learning Grant
Co-Primary Investigators — Dr. Bonita Squires, Dr. Joanna Cannon:

Updating Resources for the Comprehension of Written Grammar Test Website

We are thrilled to announce this new project being led by Dr. Bonita Squires and Dr. Joanna Cannon. Their project will focus on updating and extending the Comprehension of Written Grammar (CWG) test used primarily by teachers of learners who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing. Many students in this low-incidence population have a history of struggling to comprehend English grammar structures, which interferes with their English literacy skills. To support these learners, the CWG test, a visually- and digitally-based assessment tool, was developed. This test is available via a UBC Qualtrics survey which can be found on the CWG Test Blog.

Currently, the test results may not be easily interpretable by the teachers who use it. The objectives of the project are to increase the value of the CWG Test to teachers by 1) revising the format of the emailed report and 2) adding online resources to the blog site that will support teachers in generating learning objectives based on their students’ CWG test results.

This is the first step towards increasing the digital and visual diversity of the tool. In the future they would like to translate the entire blog into American Sign Language (ASL) to increase its visual accessibility. Dr. Squires and Dr. Cannon see the current project as an important step in that direction.

The primary goals of this project were to:

  1. Improve the usability of the CWG test report;
  2. Add information on the test website to allow teachers to better use the test as an evaluation tool.

MET student Amy Leung was hired to work on the project from October 2023 to June 2024.  To learn more about the outcomes of this project please read their detailed report.